We listen, you share, we respond. We use drama techniques as a tool to explore the voice of young people, their feelings / thoughts / stories / experiences. This is a co-leadership project with the Creative Practitioners adapting and responding to the student’s ideas, their voice and how they want to represent it.
This workshop aims to:
- to give this community of young people a voice, a platform – to be heard/seen
- provide a safe space to explore their voice
- enhance positivity and the well being of young people in this community
- supporting young people to build strength skills, networks within the school and resilience to thrive independently
- To showcase their work to a supportive audience ( this will only be done if it is the wish of the group.)
Workshops can be half day/full day. KS3 / KS4 / KS5
Falling Stars Theatre works in collaboration with Mind Matters For Education on this workshop

Testimonials about ‘Magnify’
“Beccy and Kirsty were fantastic at connecting and listening to the students making them feel comfortable and able to open up.”
Pastoral Teaching Assistant at South Craven school
“I felt safe.”
“I could speak freely.”
“I could be myself.”
“It was fun meeting other people like me.”
Student responses from South Craven School
“The students involved all felt that there was a positive impact from the drama workshop. Confidence and inclusion standing out as the two that students felt impacted them the most.”
Pastoral Teaching Assistant at South Craven School